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3D Cave Environment

This was my first 3D environment, with most of the 3D models having been created by me. The cave mainly consisted of a number of crystals jutting out from the walls and floor, as well as a blocked off tunnel with broken bits of wood, rubble and skeletons, to indicate the presence of a rockfall, and a hole filled with lava. It also featured a number of interactable elements as well, such as an activatable mechanical drill, a pickaxe used to access a secret area, and a crystal within that area with a sword embedded within it, that would glow and then fall from the crystal after some echoing dialogue and earthquake sound effects.

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Project Ascendance

Project Ascendance is a three man project run by myself and two others, and is the first game I have taken a lead role in making. The basic storyline is that the player is a Beta tester, testing out Project Ascendance: a game set within a facility, with simulated environments for the player to try. However the game has a dark secret, as players minds are slowly being downloaded into the game, enhancing the graphics and leaving the testers as mindless husks.

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Independent Models

A collection of individual models I have made for different projects or simply for fun.

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